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Information about company from Luxembourg Business Registers

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Search registered Luxembourg company, Certificate of Good standing, Incorporation, Directors, Shareholders, Registered office.

To search the information about Luxembourg company you have to know the name or number of the company.

For up-to-date information and certificates, make a request (company number and name) and we will send an official extract from the register or official certificates.

extract from Luxembourg Business Registers

Information about Luxembourg company in the extract

The extract from LBR contains following information:
- Registration date:
- Company name:
- Legal entity type:
- Head office or registered address:
- Corporate object:
- Share capital / Authorized capital stock:
- Incorporation date:
- Company duration:
- Fiscal year:
- NACE code:
- Associated organization(s):
- Administrator(s) / CEO(s): (including Surname Name, Home or business address, Range of powers, Term of powers with Appointment date
- Digitally signed by: Luxembourg Business Registers, g.i.e.

Delivery method of the information about company from Luxembourg:


All documents issued by the manager of the Trade and Companies Register in electronic format bear an automatic qualified electronic signature. It may, if necessary and on request, include the surname and first name of the agent who signed it for the Luxembourg Business Registers.

On request, it is possible to obtain these documents with a qualified non-automated electronic signature ("manual qualified signature"), bearing the name and first name of the agent who signed the documents, for the Luxembourg Business Registers.

On secure paper

Instead of electronically information we will send you paper documents.

We can send to any country.

Language: French or German

You can choose French or German, but we also provide translation of documents to English or any other languages.

Activate the PREMIUM service for 100 EUR

PLEASE NOTE: The requested profile will not be sent to you, but posted to us, you do not need to collect it in person at office of Registers.

Every PREMIUM company profile has to be ordered before 10 AM in order to be available after 2:30 PM the same day in the LBR assistance office.

- If the order is placed between 10 AM and 2:30 PM, the company profile will be available the next day after 10:30 AM.

- If the order is placed after 2:30 PM, the company profile will be available the next day after 2:30 PM.

Your company profile will not be delivered to you via mail. To pick it up from Registers offices, we need your (or our if we ordered) purchase order or your receipt.

Information in the Luxembourg Business Registers is updated monthly

logo of Luxembourg Business Registers

Information is updated monthly on the basis of Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the amended Law of 19 December 2002 concerning the Trade and Company Register, as well as the reporting and annual accounts of companies.

Pursuant to Article 21, Paragraph 2 of the amended Law of 19 December 2002 concerning the Trade and Company Register, as well as the reporting and annual accounts of companies, and Article 21 of the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 23 January 2003 implementing the Law of 19 December 2002, this form includes the updated information submitted to the Trade and Company Register no later than one day before the date of issue of this form. If by then the Trade and Company Register has been notified of a change, it may not have been taken into account when issuing this form.

This extract is drawn up and signed electronically. The head of the Trade and Company Register guarantees the authenticity of the origin and the integrity of the data contained in this extract concerning the information entered in the Trade and Company Register only if this extract includes an electronic signature issued by the head of the Trade and Company Register.

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