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Play Snake Game

Start Snake game and press arrow keys.

Snake Game

Slithering Adventures: The Classic Game of Snake


Snake, a timeless classic in the realm of video games, has captivated players for decades with its simple yet addictive gameplay. Originating in the late 1970s and gaining widespread popularity with the advent of mobile phones, Snake has become an iconic representative of the gaming world. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer, the charm of guiding a growing serpent through a digital landscape never fails to entertain.


The objective of Snake is straightforward: control a snake as it maneuvers through a confined space, consuming food items along the way. The challenge lies in avoiding collisions with the snake's own body and the game boundaries, as each successful consumption leads to the serpent's growth. As the snake grows longer, the game becomes progressively more demanding, testing the player's reflexes and strategic thinking.


The gameplay is deceptively simple, involving only a few basic controls – typically arrow keys or swipe gestures, depending on the platform. The snake moves continuously in the direction chosen by the player until it collides with a barrier or itself. The challenge intensifies as the snake's length increases, creating a delicate balance between collecting food and avoiding self-destruction.

Obstacles and Challenges:

Apart from the snake's growing body, various obstacles may be introduced in advanced levels, adding an extra layer of complexity to the game. Walls, barriers, and even other snakes can impede progress, demanding precise movements and quick decision-making from the player. These obstacles elevate Snake from a casual time-filler to a strategic and engaging gaming experience.

Evolution and Variations:

Over the years, Snake has evolved beyond its original black-and-white pixelated form. With the rise of mobile gaming, developers have incorporated vibrant graphics, innovative designs, and additional features to enhance the classic gameplay. Multiplayer modes, power-ups, and diverse environments contribute to the game's enduring appeal, attracting both nostalgic players and a new generation of gamers.

Cultural Impact:

Snake holds a special place in the hearts of gamers worldwide, serving as a cultural touchstone that transcends generations. Its simplistic yet challenging nature makes it accessible to players of all ages, and its influence can be seen in various forms, from dedicated handheld devices to modern smartphone apps.


In the ever-evolving landscape of video games, Snake remains a testament to the enduring appeal of simplicity and skill-based challenges. Its legacy lives on through countless adaptations and reimaginations, continuing to slither its way into the hearts of gamers, both young and old.

To start the game please follow this link and press arrow keys the pixel to go.

Snake Game

Source code of Snake game in Java

* @module Snake
* @class SNAKE

var SNAKE = SNAKE || {};
window.SNAKE = SNAKE; // this will allow us to access the game in other JS files when the app is loaded up in a codesandbox.com sandbox, that's the only reason it's here

* @method addEventListener
* @param {Object} obj The object to add an event listener to.
* @param {String} event The event to listen for.
* @param {Function} funct The function to execute when the event is triggered.
* @param {Boolean} evtCapturing True to do event capturing, false to do event bubbling.
SNAKE.addEventListener = (function() {
if (window.addEventListener) {
return function(obj, event, funct, evtCapturing) {
obj.addEventListener(event, funct, evtCapturing);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
return function(obj, event, funct) {
obj.attachEvent("on" + event, funct);

* @method removeEventListener
* @param {Object} obj The object to remove an event listener from.
* @param {String} event The event that was listened for.
* @param {Function} funct The function that was executed when the event is triggered.
* @param {Boolean} evtCapturing True if event capturing was done, false otherwise.

SNAKE.removeEventListener = (function() {
if (window.removeEventListener) {
return function(obj, event, funct, evtCapturing) {
obj.removeEventListener(event, funct, evtCapturing);
} else if (window.detachEvent) {
return function(obj, event, funct) {
obj.detachEvent("on" + event, funct);

* This class manages the snake which will reside inside of a SNAKE.Board object.
* @class Snake
* @constructor
* @namespace SNAKE
* @param {Object} config The configuration object for the class. Contains playingBoard (the SNAKE.Board that this snake resides in), startRow and startCol.
SNAKE.Snake = SNAKE.Snake || (function() {

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private static variables and methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

var instanceNumber = 0;
var blockPool = [];

var SnakeBlock = function() {
this.elm = null;
this.elmStyle = null;
this.row = -1;
this.col = -1;
this.xPos = -1000;
this.yPos = -1000;
this.next = null;
this.prev = null;

function getNextHighestZIndex(myObj) {
var highestIndex = 0,
currentIndex = 0,
for (ii in myObj) {
if (myObj[ii].elm.currentStyle){
currentIndex = parseFloat(myObj[ii].elm.style["z-index"],10);
}else if(window.getComputedStyle) {
currentIndex = parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(myObj[ii].elm,null).getPropertyValue("z-index"),10);
if(!isNaN(currentIndex) && currentIndex > highestIndex){
highestIndex = currentIndex;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contructor + public and private definitions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

config options:
playingBoard - the SnakeBoard that this snake belongs too.
startRow - The row the snake should start on.
startCol - The column the snake should start on.
return function(config) {

if (!config||!config.playingBoard) {return;}
if (localStorage.jsSnakeHighScore === undefined) localStorage.setItem('jsSnakeHighScore', 0);

// ----- private variables -----

var me = this,
playingBoard = config.playingBoard,
myId = instanceNumber++,
growthIncr = 5,
lastMove = 1,
preMove = -1,
isFirstMove = true,
isFirstGameMove = true,
currentDirection = -1, // 0: up, 1: left, 2: down, 3: right
columnShift = [0, 1, 0, -1],
rowShift = [-1, 0, 1, 0],
xPosShift = [],
yPosShift = [],
snakeSpeed = 80,
isDead = false,
isPaused = false;

function setModeListener (mode, speed) {
document.getElementById(mode).addEventListener('click', function () { snakeSpeed = speed; });

var modeDropdown = document.getElementById('selectMode');
if ( modeDropdown ) {
modeDropdown.addEventListener('change', function(evt) {
evt = evt || {};
var val = evt.target ? parseInt(evt.target.value) : 75;

if (isNaN(val)) {
val = 75;
} else if (val < 25) {
val = 75

snakeSpeed = val;

setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);

//setModeListener('Easy', 100);
//setModeListener('Medium', 75);
//setModeListener('Difficult', 50);

// ----- public variables -----
me.snakeBody = {};
me.snakeBody["b0"] = new SnakeBlock(); // create snake head
me.snakeBody["b0"].row = config.startRow || 1;
me.snakeBody["b0"].col = config.startCol || 1;
me.snakeBody["b0"].xPos = me.snakeBody["b0"].row * playingBoard.getBlockWidth();
me.snakeBody["b0"].yPos = me.snakeBody["b0"].col * playingBoard.getBlockHeight();
me.snakeBody["b0"].elm = createSnakeElement();
me.snakeBody["b0"].elmStyle = me.snakeBody["b0"].elm.style;
playingBoard.getBoardContainer().appendChild( me.snakeBody["b0"].elm );
me.snakeBody["b0"].elm.style.left = me.snakeBody["b0"].xPos + "px";
me.snakeBody["b0"].elm.style.top = me.snakeBody["b0"].yPos + "px";
me.snakeBody["b0"].next = me.snakeBody["b0"];
me.snakeBody["b0"].prev = me.snakeBody["b0"];

me.snakeLength = 1;
me.snakeHead = me.snakeBody["b0"];
me.snakeTail = me.snakeBody["b0"];
me.snakeHead.elm.className = me.snakeHead.elm.className.replace(/\bsnake-snakebody-dead\b/,'');
me.snakeHead.elm.id = "snake-snakehead-alive";
me.snakeHead.elm.className += " snake-snakebody-alive";

// ----- private methods -----

function createSnakeElement() {
var tempNode = document.createElement("div");
tempNode.className = "snake-snakebody-block";
tempNode.style.left = "-1000px";
tempNode.style.top = "-1000px";
tempNode.style.width = playingBoard.getBlockWidth() + "px";
tempNode.style.height = playingBoard.getBlockHeight() + "px";
return tempNode;

function createBlocks(num) {
var tempBlock;
var tempNode = createSnakeElement();

for (var ii = 1; ii < num; ii++){
tempBlock = new SnakeBlock();
tempBlock.elm = tempNode.cloneNode(true);
tempBlock.elmStyle = tempBlock.elm.style;
playingBoard.getBoardContainer().appendChild( tempBlock.elm );
blockPool[blockPool.length] = tempBlock;

tempBlock = new SnakeBlock();
tempBlock.elm = tempNode;
playingBoard.getBoardContainer().appendChild( tempBlock.elm );
blockPool[blockPool.length] = tempBlock;

function recordScore() {
var highScore = localStorage.jsSnakeHighScore;
if (me.snakeLength > highScore) {
alert('Congratulations! You have beaten your previous high score, which was ' + highScore + '.');
localStorage.setItem('jsSnakeHighScore', me.snakeLength);

function handleEndCondition(handleFunc) {
me.snakeHead.elm.style.zIndex = getNextHighestZIndex(me.snakeBody);
me.snakeHead.elm.className = me.snakeHead.elm.className.replace(/\bsnake-snakebody-alive\b/, '')
me.snakeHead.elm.className += " snake-snakebody-dead";

isDead = true;

// ----- public methods -----

me.setPaused = function(val) {
isPaused = val;
me.getPaused = function() {
return isPaused;

* This method is called when a user presses a key. It logs arrow key presses in "currentDirection", which is used when the snake needs to make its next move.
* @method handleArrowKeys
* @param {Number} keyNum A number representing the key that was pressed.
Handles what happens when an arrow key is pressed.
Direction explained (0 = up, etc etc)
3 1
me.handleArrowKeys = function(keyNum) {
if (isDead || (isPaused && !config.premoveOnPause)) {return;}

var snakeLength = me.snakeLength;


let directionFound = -1;

switch (keyNum) {
case 37:
case 65:
directionFound = 3;
case 38:
case 87:
directionFound = 0;
case 39:
case 68:
directionFound = 1;
case 40:
case 83:
directionFound = 2;
if (currentDirection !== lastMove) // Allow a queue of 1 premove so you can turn again before the first turn registers
preMove = directionFound;
if (Math.abs(directionFound - lastMove) !== 2 && (isFirstMove || isPaused) || isFirstGameMove ) // Prevent snake from turning 180 degrees
currentDirection = directionFound;
isFirstMove = false;
isFirstGameMove = false;

* This method is executed for each move of the snake. It determines where the snake will go and what will happen to it. This method needs to run quickly.
* @method go
me.go = function() {

var oldHead = me.snakeHead,
newHead = me.snakeTail,
grid = playingBoard.grid; // cache grid for quicker lookup

if (isPaused === true) {
setTimeout(function(){me.go();}, snakeSpeed);

me.snakeTail = newHead.prev;
me.snakeHead = newHead;

// clear the old board position
if ( grid[newHead.row] && grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] ) {
grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] = 0;

if (currentDirection !== -1){
lastMove = currentDirection;
if (preMove !== -1) // If the user queued up another move after the current one
currentDirection = preMove; // Execute that move next time (unless overwritten)
preMove = -1;
isFirstMove = true;

newHead.col = oldHead.col + columnShift[lastMove];
newHead.row = oldHead.row + rowShift[lastMove];
newHead.xPos = oldHead.xPos + xPosShift[lastMove];
newHead.yPos = oldHead.yPos + yPosShift[lastMove];

if ( !newHead.elmStyle ) {
newHead.elmStyle = newHead.elm.style;

newHead.elmStyle.left = newHead.xPos + "px";
newHead.elmStyle.top = newHead.yPos + "px";
oldHead.elm.id = "";

// check the new spot the snake moved into

if (grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] === 0) {
grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] = 1;
setTimeout(function(){me.go();}, snakeSpeed);
} else if (grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] > 0) {
} else if (grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] === playingBoard.getGridFoodValue()) {
grid[newHead.row][newHead.col] = 1;
if (!me.eatFood()) {
setTimeout(function(){me.go();}, snakeSpeed);

* This method is called when it is determined that the snake has eaten some food.
* @method eatFood
* @return {bool} Whether a new food was able to spawn (true)
* or not (false) after the snake eats food.
me.eatFood = function() {
if (blockPool.length <= growthIncr) {
var blocks = blockPool.splice(0, growthIncr);

var ii = blocks.length,
prevNode = me.snakeTail;
while (ii--) {
index = "b" + me.snakeLength++;
me.snakeBody[index] = blocks[ii];
me.snakeBody[index].prev = prevNode;
me.snakeBody[index].elm.className = me.snakeHead.elm.className.replace(/\bsnake-snakebody-dead\b/,'')
me.snakeBody[index].elm.className += " snake-snakebody-alive";
prevNode.next = me.snakeBody[index];
prevNode = me.snakeBody[index];
me.snakeTail = me.snakeBody[index];
me.snakeTail.next = me.snakeHead;
me.snakeHead.prev = me.snakeTail;

if (!playingBoard.foodEaten()) {
return false;

//Checks if the current selected option is that of "Rush"
//If so, "increase" the snake speed
var selectDropDown = document.getElementById("selectMode");
var selectedOption = selectDropDown.options[selectDropDown.selectedIndex];

if(selectedOption.text.localeCompare("Rush") == 0)
snakeSpeed > 30 ? snakeSpeed -=5 : snakeSpeed = 30;

return true;

* This method handles what happens when the snake dies.
* @method handleDeath
me.handleDeath = function() {
//Reset speed
var selectedSpeed = document.getElementById("selectMode").value;
snakeSpeed = parseInt(selectedSpeed);


* This method handles what happens when the snake wins.
* @method handleDeath
me.handleWin = function() {

* This method sets a flag that lets the snake be alive again.
* @method rebirth
me.rebirth = function() {
isDead = false;
isFirstMove = true;
isFirstGameMove = true;
preMove = -1;

* This method reset the snake so it is ready for a new game.
* @method reset
me.reset = function() {
if (isDead === false) {return;}

var blocks = [],
curNode = me.snakeHead.next,
while (curNode !== me.snakeHead) {
nextNode = curNode.next;
curNode.prev = null;
curNode.next = null;
curNode = nextNode;
me.snakeHead.next = me.snakeHead;
me.snakeHead.prev = me.snakeHead;
me.snakeTail = me.snakeHead;
me.snakeLength = 1;

for (var ii = 0; ii < blocks.length; ii++) {
blocks[ii].elm.style.left = "-1000px";
blocks[ii].elm.style.top = "-1000px";
blocks[ii].elm.className = me.snakeHead.elm.className.replace(/\bsnake-snakebody-dead\b/,'')
blocks[ii].elm.className += " snake-snakebody-alive";

me.snakeHead.elm.className = me.snakeHead.elm.className.replace(/\bsnake-snakebody-dead\b/,'')
me.snakeHead.elm.className += " snake-snakebody-alive";
me.snakeHead.elm.id = "snake-snakehead-alive";
me.snakeHead.row = config.startRow || 1;
me.snakeHead.col = config.startCol || 1;
me.snakeHead.xPos = me.snakeHead.row * playingBoard.getBlockWidth();
me.snakeHead.yPos = me.snakeHead.col * playingBoard.getBlockHeight();
me.snakeHead.elm.style.left = me.snakeHead.xPos + "px";
me.snakeHead.elm.style.top = me.snakeHead.yPos + "px";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
xPosShift[0] = 0;
xPosShift[1] = playingBoard.getBlockWidth();
xPosShift[2] = 0;
xPosShift[3] = -1 * playingBoard.getBlockWidth();

yPosShift[0] = -1 * playingBoard.getBlockHeight();
yPosShift[1] = 0;
yPosShift[2] = playingBoard.getBlockHeight();
yPosShift[3] = 0;

* This class manages the food which the snake will eat.
* @class Food
* @constructor
* @namespace SNAKE
* @param {Object} config The configuration object for the class. Contains playingBoard (the SNAKE.Board that this food resides in).

SNAKE.Food = SNAKE.Food || (function() {

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private static variables and methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

var instanceNumber = 0;

function getRandomPosition(x, y){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(y+1-x)) + x;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contructor + public and private definitions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

config options:
playingBoard - the SnakeBoard that this object belongs too.
return function(config) {

if (!config||!config.playingBoard) {return;}

// ----- private variables -----

var me = this;
var playingBoard = config.playingBoard;
var fRow, fColumn;
var myId = instanceNumber++;

var elmFood = document.createElement("div");
elmFood.setAttribute("id", "snake-food-"+myId);
elmFood.className = "snake-food-block";
elmFood.style.width = playingBoard.getBlockWidth() + "px";
elmFood.style.height = playingBoard.getBlockHeight() + "px";
elmFood.style.left = "-1000px";
elmFood.style.top = "-1000px";

// ----- public methods -----

* @method getFoodElement
* @return {DOM Element} The div the represents the food.
me.getFoodElement = function() {
return elmFood;

* Randomly places the food onto an available location on the playing board.
* @method randomlyPlaceFood
* @return {bool} Whether a food was able to spawn (true) or not (false).
me.randomlyPlaceFood = function() {
// if there exist some food, clear its presence from the board
if (playingBoard.grid[fRow] && playingBoard.grid[fRow][fColumn] === playingBoard.getGridFoodValue()){
playingBoard.grid[fRow][fColumn] = 0;

var row = 0, col = 0, numTries = 0;

var maxRows = playingBoard.grid.length-1;
var maxCols = playingBoard.grid[0].length-1;

while (playingBoard.grid[row][col] !== 0){
row = getRandomPosition(1, maxRows);
col = getRandomPosition(1, maxCols);

// in some cases there may not be any room to put food anywhere
// instead of freezing, exit out (and return false to indicate
// that the player beat the game)
if (numTries > 20000){
return false;

playingBoard.grid[row][col] = playingBoard.getGridFoodValue();
fRow = row;
fColumn = col;
elmFood.style.top = row * playingBoard.getBlockHeight() + "px";
elmFood.style.left = col * playingBoard.getBlockWidth() + "px";
return true;

* This class manages playing board for the game.
* @class Board
* @constructor
* @namespace SNAKE
* @param {Object} config The configuration object for the class. Set fullScreen equal to true if you want the game to take up the full screen, otherwise, set the top, left, width and height parameters.

SNAKE.Board = SNAKE.Board || (function() {

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private static variables and methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

var instanceNumber = 0;
function getNextHighestZIndex(myObj) {
var highestIndex = 0,
currentIndex = 0,
for (ii in myObj) {
if (myObj[ii].elm.currentStyle){
currentIndex = parseFloat(myObj[ii].elm.style["z-index"],10);
}else if(window.getComputedStyle) {
currentIndex = parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(myObj[ii].elm,null).getPropertyValue("z-index"),10);
if(!isNaN(currentIndex) && currentIndex > highestIndex){
highestIndex = currentIndex;

This function returns the width of the available screen real estate that we have
function getClientWidth(){
var myWidth = 0;
if( typeof window.innerWidth === "number" ) {
myWidth = window.innerWidth;//Non-IE
} else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;//IE 4 compatible
return myWidth;
This function returns the height of the available screen real estate that we have
function getClientHeight(){
var myHeight = 0;
if( typeof window.innerHeight === "number" ) {
myHeight = window.innerHeight;//Non-IE
} else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;//IE 4 compatible
return myHeight;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contructor + public and private definitions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

return function(inputConfig) {

// --- private variables ---
var me = this,
myId = instanceNumber++,
config = inputConfig || {},
blockWidth = 20,
blockHeight = 20,
GRID_FOOD_VALUE = -1, // the value of a spot on the board that represents snake food, MUST BE NEGATIVE
boardState = 1, // 0: in active; 1: awaiting game start; 2: playing game
isPaused = false,//note: both the board and the snake can be paused
// Board components
elmContainer, elmPlayingField, elmAboutPanel, elmLengthPanel, elmHighscorePanel, elmWelcome, elmTryAgain, elmWin, elmPauseScreen;

// --- public variables ---
me.grid = [];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

function createBoardElements() {
elmPlayingField = document.createElement("div");
elmPlayingField.setAttribute("id", "playingField");
elmPlayingField.className = "snake-playing-field";

SNAKE.addEventListener(elmPlayingField, "click", function() {
}, false);

elmPauseScreen = document.createElement("div");
elmPauseScreen.className = "snake-pause-screen";
elmPauseScreen.innerHTML = "

Press [space] to unpause.


elmAboutPanel = document.createElement("div");
elmAboutPanel.className = "snake-panel-component";
elmAboutPanel.innerHTML = "more 24glo.com/game";

elmLengthPanel = document.createElement("div");
elmLengthPanel.className = "snake-panel-component";
elmLengthPanel.innerHTML = "Length: 1";

elmHighscorePanel = document.createElement("div");
elmHighscorePanel.className = "snake-panel-component";
elmHighscorePanel.innerHTML = "Highscore: " + (localStorage.jsSnakeHighScore || 0);

elmWelcome = createWelcomeElement();
elmTryAgain = createTryAgainElement();
elmWin = createWinElement();

SNAKE.addEventListener( elmContainer, "keyup", function(evt) {
if (!evt) var evt = window.event;
evt.cancelBubble = true;
if (evt.stopPropagation) {evt.stopPropagation();}
if (evt.preventDefault) {evt.preventDefault();}
return false;
}, false);

elmContainer.className = "snake-game-container";

elmPauseScreen.style.zIndex = 10000;

mySnake = new SNAKE.Snake({playingBoard:me,startRow:2,startCol:2,premoveOnPause: config.premoveOnPause});
myFood = new SNAKE.Food({playingBoard: me});

elmWelcome.style.zIndex = 1000;
function maxBoardWidth() {
return MAX_BOARD_COLS * me.getBlockWidth();
function maxBoardHeight() {
return MAX_BOARD_ROWS * me.getBlockHeight();

function createWelcomeElement() {
var tmpElm = document.createElement("div");
tmpElm.id = "sbWelcome" + myId;
tmpElm.className = "snake-welcome-dialog";

var welcomeTxt = document.createElement("div");
var fullScreenText = "";
if (config.fullScreen) {
fullScreenText = "On Windows, press F11 to play in Full Screen mode.";
welcomeTxt.innerHTML = "JavaScript Snake

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to play the game. " + fullScreenText + "

var welcomeStart = document.createElement("button");
welcomeStart.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Play Game"));
var loadGame = function() {
SNAKE.removeEventListener(window, "keyup", kbShortcut, false);
tmpElm.style.display = "none";

var kbShortcut = function(evt) {
if (!evt) var evt = window.event;
var keyNum = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
if (keyNum === 32 || keyNum === 13) {
SNAKE.addEventListener(window, "keyup", kbShortcut, false);
SNAKE.addEventListener(welcomeStart, "click", loadGame, false);

return tmpElm;

function createGameEndElement(message, elmId, elmClassName) {
var tmpElm = document.createElement("div");
tmpElm.id = elmId + myId;
tmpElm.className = elmClassName;

var gameEndTxt = document.createElement("div");
gameEndTxt.innerHTML = "JavaScript Snake

" + message + "

var gameEndStart = document.createElement("button");
gameEndStart.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Play Again?"));

var reloadGame = function () {
tmpElm.style.display = "none";

var kbGameEndShortcut = function (evt) {
if (boardState !== 0 || tmpElm.style.display !== "block") { return; }
if (!evt) var evt = window.event;
var keyNum = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
if (keyNum === 32 || keyNum === 13) {
SNAKE.addEventListener(window, "keyup", kbGameEndShortcut, true);

SNAKE.addEventListener(gameEndStart, "click", reloadGame, false);
return tmpElm;

function createTryAgainElement() {
return createGameEndElement("You died :(", "sbTryAgain", "snake-try-again-dialog");

function createWinElement() {
return createGameEndElement("You win! :D", "sbWin", "snake-win-dialog");

function handleEndCondition(elmDialog) {
var index = Math.max(getNextHighestZIndex(mySnake.snakeBody), getNextHighestZIndex({ tmp: { elm: myFood.getFoodElement() } }));
elmDialog.style.zIndex = index;
elmDialog.style.display = "block";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// public functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

me.setPaused = function(val) {
isPaused = val;
if (isPaused) {
elmPauseScreen.style.display = "block";
} else {
elmPauseScreen.style.display = "none";
me.getPaused = function() {
return isPaused;

* Resets the playing board for a new game.
* @method resetBoard
me.resetBoard = function() {
SNAKE.removeEventListener(elmContainer, "keydown", myKeyListener, false);
elmLengthPanel.innerHTML = "Length: 1";
* Gets the current state of the playing board. There are 3 states: 0 - Welcome or Try Again dialog is present. 1 - User has pressed "Start Game" on the Welcome or Try Again dialog but has not pressed an arrow key to move the snake. 2 - The game is in progress and the snake is moving.
* @method getBoardState
* @return {Number} The state of the board.
me.getBoardState = function() {
return boardState;
* Sets the current state of the playing board. There are 3 states: 0 - Welcome or Try Again dialog is present. 1 - User has pressed "Start Game" on the Welcome or Try Again dialog but has not pressed an arrow key to move the snake. 2 - The game is in progress and the snake is moving.
* @method setBoardState
* @param {Number} state The state of the board.
me.setBoardState = function(state) {
boardState = state;
* @method getGridFoodValue
* @return {Number} A number that represents food on a number representation of the playing board.
me.getGridFoodValue = function() {
* @method getPlayingFieldElement
* @return {DOM Element} The div representing the playing field (this is where the snake can move).
me.getPlayingFieldElement = function() {
return elmPlayingField;
* @method setBoardContainer
* @param {DOM Element or String} myContainer Sets the container element for the game.
me.setBoardContainer = function(myContainer) {
if (typeof myContainer === "string") {
myContainer = document.getElementById(myContainer);
if (myContainer === elmContainer) {return;}
elmContainer = myContainer;
elmPlayingField = null;

* @method getBoardContainer
* @return {DOM Element}
me.getBoardContainer = function() {
return elmContainer;
* @method getBlockWidth
* @return {Number}
me.getBlockWidth = function() {
return blockWidth;
* @method getBlockHeight
* @return {Number}
me.getBlockHeight = function() {
return blockHeight;
* Sets up the playing field.
* @method setupPlayingField
me.setupPlayingField = function () {

if (!elmPlayingField) {createBoardElements();} // create playing field

// calculate width of our game container
var cWidth, cHeight;
var cTop, cLeft;
if (config.fullScreen === true) {
cTop = 0;
cLeft = 0;
cWidth = getClientWidth()-20;
cHeight = getClientHeight()-20;

} else {
cTop = config.top;
cLeft = config.left;
cWidth = config.width;
cHeight = config.height;

// define the dimensions of the board and playing field
var wEdgeSpace = me.getBlockWidth()*2 + (cWidth % me.getBlockWidth());
var fWidth = Math.min(maxBoardWidth()-wEdgeSpace,cWidth-wEdgeSpace);
var hEdgeSpace = me.getBlockHeight()*3 + (cHeight % me.getBlockHeight());
var fHeight = Math.min(maxBoardHeight()-hEdgeSpace,cHeight-hEdgeSpace);

elmContainer.style.left = cLeft + "px";
elmContainer.style.top = cTop + "px";
elmContainer.style.width = cWidth + "px";
elmContainer.style.height = cHeight + "px";
elmPlayingField.style.left = me.getBlockWidth() + "px";
elmPlayingField.style.top = me.getBlockHeight() + "px";
elmPlayingField.style.width = fWidth + "px";
elmPlayingField.style.height = fHeight + "px";

// the math for this will need to change depending on font size, padding, etc
// assuming height of 14 (font size) + 8 (padding)
var bottomPanelHeight = hEdgeSpace - me.getBlockHeight();
var pLabelTop = me.getBlockHeight() + fHeight + Math.round((bottomPanelHeight - 30)/2) + "px";

elmAboutPanel.style.top = pLabelTop;
elmAboutPanel.style.width = "450px";
elmAboutPanel.style.left = Math.round(cWidth/2) - Math.round(450/2) + "px";

elmLengthPanel.style.top = pLabelTop;
elmLengthPanel.style.left = 30 + "px";

elmHighscorePanel.style.top = pLabelTop;
elmHighscorePanel.style.left = cWidth - 140 + "px";

// if width is too narrow, hide the about panel
if (cWidth < 700) {
elmAboutPanel.style.display = "none";
} else {
elmAboutPanel.style.display = "block";

me.grid = [];
var numBoardCols = fWidth / me.getBlockWidth() + 2;
var numBoardRows = fHeight / me.getBlockHeight() + 2;

for (var row = 0; row < numBoardRows; row++) {
me.grid[row] = [];
for (var col = 0; col < numBoardCols; col++) {
if (col === 0 || row === 0 || col === (numBoardCols-1) || row === (numBoardRows-1)) {
me.grid[row][col] = 1; // an edge
} else {
me.grid[row][col] = 0; // empty space


myKeyListener = function(evt) {
if (!evt) var evt = window.event;
var keyNum = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;

if (me.getBoardState() === 1) {
if ( !(keyNum >= 37 && keyNum <= 40) && !(keyNum === 87 || keyNum === 65 || keyNum === 83 || keyNum === 68)) {return;} // if not an arrow key, leave

// This removes the listener added at the #listenerX line
SNAKE.removeEventListener(elmContainer, "keydown", myKeyListener, false);

myKeyListener = function(evt) {
if (!evt) var evt = window.event;
var keyNum = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;

if (keyNum === 32) {


evt.cancelBubble = true;
if (evt.stopPropagation) {evt.stopPropagation();}
if (evt.preventDefault) {evt.preventDefault();}
return false;
SNAKE.addEventListener( elmContainer, "keydown", myKeyListener, false);

me.setBoardState(2); // start the game!

evt.cancelBubble = true;
if (evt.stopPropagation) {evt.stopPropagation();}
if (evt.preventDefault) {evt.preventDefault();}
return false;

// Search for #listenerX to see where this is removed
SNAKE.addEventListener( elmContainer, "keydown", myKeyListener, false);

* This method is called when the snake has eaten some food.
* @method foodEaten
* @return {bool} Whether a new food was able to spawn (true)
* or not (false) after the snake eats food.
me.foodEaten = function() {
elmLengthPanel.innerHTML = "Length: " + mySnake.snakeLength;
if (mySnake.snakeLength > localStorage.jsSnakeHighScore)
localStorage.setItem("jsSnakeHighScore", mySnake.snakeLength);
elmHighscorePanel.innerHTML = "Highscore: " + localStorage.jsSnakeHighScore;
if (!myFood.randomlyPlaceFood()) {
return false;
return true;

* This method is called when the snake dies.
* @method handleDeath
me.handleDeath = function() {

* This method is called when the snake wins.
* @method handleWin
me.handleWin = function () {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

config.fullScreen = (typeof config.fullScreen === "undefined") ? false : config.fullScreen;
config.top = (typeof config.top === "undefined") ? 0 : config.top;
config.left = (typeof config.left === "undefined") ? 0 : config.left;
config.width = (typeof config.width === "undefined") ? 400 : config.width;
config.height = (typeof config.height === "undefined") ? 400 : config.height;
config.premoveOnPause = (typeof config.premoveOnPause === "undefined") ? false : config.premoveOnPause;

if (config.fullScreen) {
SNAKE.addEventListener(window,"resize", function() {
}, false);


if (config.boardContainer) {

}; // end return function

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