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in Chinese 中文 - 如何获得塞浦路斯出生证明     in Arabic: طريقة استخراج شهادة ميلادة قبرصية

How to get Cyprus Birth Certificate

If certificate was lost, stolen or you need new one, we can help you obtain original.

Can 24GLO.com obtain a duplicate of birth certificate without my presence?

Yes we can just contact us.
Don't forget provide your email or phone number.

Can 24GLO.com put Cyprus Apostille on a original duplicate of birth certificate ?

Yes, we can put an Apostille in the country where document was issued.

What is Reclamation of the documents?

This is process to get any official document or duplicate (re-acquisition).
It is Re-Issue of birth certificate for persons, born in the Republic of Cyprus or whose parent is Cypriot.

I have a new original certificate, but there is no Apostille. How to put it?

We can pick up birth certificate by the courier in any country and put Apostille in the Ministry of Justice of Cyprus.
Or we can get a duplicate certificate from Registry, put the Apostille and send it to you.

What do I need to get Cyprus birth certificate?

We need information:
- the date and issuing authority of the document (or scan or photo copy of birth certificate);
- Last name, first name and date of birth of the person in whose name the document was issued;
- power of attorney to our specialist (text and data of trustee will be sent on request).

Is it possible to legalize the Cyprus birth certificate?

We legalize documents in all embassies and consulates of any country.

The cost of obtaining Cyprus birth certificate ?

The price depends on several factors and specified in advance.

Do I need Affidavit duly completed and certified either at the nearest Cyprus Consulate or by Notary Public ?

In some cases you will need Affidavit for Cyprus birth certificate (free download)

What is a birth certificate issued in Cyprus?

birth certificate issued in Cyprusincrease

Can Muhtaris issue original or second copy of Cyprus birth certificate ?

No, Muhtaris couldn't do it.

I've been to register my children (son and daughter) at pre-primary school and was told they need to keep original birth certificate. In case they will not return, can I get from Cyprus Government second original ?

Yes, we can do the second original at any time.

Birth certificate for weddings. Do I need birth certificate for weddings ?

Yes, you need the original with Apostille. We can take certificate and stamp it with Apostille.
For civil wedding in Cyprus if person under 18 but over 16 you must present a written attestation from parents or legal guardians together with birth certificate.

If child of a foreigner is born in Cyprus will she/he (the child) get Cypriot citizenship automatically ?

No, you will receive only Cyprus birth certificate issued by Cyprus authority, but it does not mean Cyprus citizenship, the child can take parents nationality.

Can I get birth certificate issued in other country ?

The duplicate can be issued in the country where you were born, no matter in what country you are living now.
We can obtain birth certificate from the following countries:
- Cyprus
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Belarus
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Moldova

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