Язык Русский
T.O.R.F.L. (CYPRUS) is a Business Name registered in Cyprus with Registration Number ΕΕ 39077. It was registered on 21 Jun 2013 and it's current status is Active.
Basic Info
Name | T.O.R.F.L. (CYPRUS) |
Name Status | Current Name |
Type of Entity | Business Name |
Registration Number | ΕΕ 39077 |
Current Status | Active |
Registration Date | 21/06/2013 |
Registered Address
Street | Ηνωμένων Εθνών, 56, (Inomέnon Ethnώn, 56, ) |
Building | - |
Parish | - |
Territory | 6042, Λάρνακα, Κύπρος (6042, Larnaca, Cyprus) |
Name | Position |
THISUL LTD | Owner |
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T.O.R.F.L. (CYPRUS) Documents and certificates
We can provide you folloving documents from Cyprus Registrar of Companies:
- Official statement (Study File);
- Certificate of Good Standing;
- Certificate of Registration (Incorporation);
- Certificate of Directors and Secretary;
- Certificate of Shareholders;
- Certificate of Registered Address;
- Certificate of Share Capital;
- Certified Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- Financial accounts;
- Solvency Certificate or Certificate of non-bankruptcy order.
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Cyprus company Certificates
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