Flowers from florist in Cyprus
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Bouquet of gerberas, roses and alstroemeria
"Magic mood"

This bouquet of flowers contains: orange gerberas - 5 pcs., rose alstroemeria - 5 pcs., yellow roses - 3 pcs., red roses - 3 pcs., green chrysanthemums - 3 pcs.
The color will be chosen according to your wishes
Bouquet of gerberas, roses and alstroemeria Magic mood
Bouquet of gerberas, roses and alstroemeria bring a magical mood to every corner of the world.

Price of bouquet:

20 flowers - 95 euros
30 flowers - 110 euros
40 flowers - 135 euros
50 flowers - 160 euros

Number of flowers:


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High quality
We are local and always deliver the best quality flowers.
fresh flowers
We offer a huge variety of fresh and bright flowers.
delivery in time
Delivery 24x7
in time,
even same day !
Delivery to any place in Cyprus
Send flowers to Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca, Aya Napa, Nicosia, Girne, Famagusta.

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