CY +357-96-38-39-40
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Persons who intend to work as self employed in agriculture, cattle breeding, bird breeding or fish culture in the Republic of Cyprus, provided that they have in their possession adequate land or a permit to acquire same, they have fully and freely at their disposal capital of EUR 500,000 and such an employment should not negatively affect the general economy of the Republic of Cyprus.
Category B:Persons who intend to work as self employed in mining enterprises in the Republic of Cyprus, provided that they have in their possession a relative permit, they have fully and freely at their disposal capital of EUR 400,000 and such an employment should not negatively affect the general economy of the Republic of Cyprus.
Category C:Persons who intend to work as self employed in a trade or profession in the Republic of Cyprus, provided that they have in their possession a relative permit, they have fully and freely at their disposal capital of EUR 300,000 and such an employment should not affect negatively the general economy of the Republic of Cyprus.
Category D:Persons who intend to work as self employed in a profession or science in the Republic of Cyprus, provided that they have academic or professional qualifications, for which there is demand in Cyprus. Possession of adequate funds is also necessary.
Category E:Persons who have been offered permanent employment in the Republic, which will not create undue local competition.
Category F:Persons who possess and have fully and freely at their disposal a secured annual income, high enough to give them a decent living in Cyprus, without having to engage in any business, trade or profession. The annual income required should be at least CY?5,600 for a single applicant and moreover at least EUR 5,000 for every dependent person, but the Immigration Control Board may demand additional amounts as necessary. Most applicants come under this Category, the majority of them being pensioners or retired persons.
For the granting of an immigration permit application is submitted on form M.67 to the Civil Registry and Migration Department directly or through the District Aliens and Immigration Branches of the Police. The application should be accompanied by the appropriate documents, depending on the Category for which it is submitted.
Applications for Category F which are the most usual should be accompanied by the original documents regarding the income of the applicants. Applicants who are abroad may submit an application directly to Cyprus, as stated above or through the local Consular Authorities of the Republic of Cyprus. The applications are examined by the Immigration Control Board which submits a relevant suggestion to the Minister of the Interior for a decision to be taken.
The fees for the granting of immigration permit amount up to EUR 130 and are paid against a receipt following the approval of the application and before the issue of the immigration permit.
Information for the EU member states nationals
For more information those interested may communicate with the telephone 22804502 and fax 22804587.
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