General information about Cyprus visa.
Visa support in Cyprus

To send and pick up documents, passport to/out of the embassy and consulates in Nicosia.
Cyprus Visa Requirements
Visa Application Forms
Special form for EU Citizens
- Application for issue of Registration certificate of Union citizen and his/her family members also EU citizens - MEU 1A
- Application for issue of Residence card for non-EU citizens family members of Union citizen - MEU 2A
- Application for the issue of a Permanent Registration Certificate of Union Citizen and his/her family members also EU citizens - MEU 3A
- Application for Family Reunification - MFR1
- Application for acquisition / re-acquisition / renewal of the status of long-term resident in the republic and immigration permit for long term resident in first member state MLT1 form_mlt1.pdf (Αιτηση για αποκτηση/επανακτηση/ανανεωση του καθεστωτοσ του επι μακρον διαμενοντοσ στη δημοκρατια και αδειασ μεταναστευσησ για επι μακρον διαμενοντεσ σε πρωτο κρατοσ μελοσ)
Special form for Cyprus Citizens
Passport (διαβατηριο), ID card (ταυτότητα), birth certificate (πιστοποιητικο γεννησεως)
- 1. Application for Passport - Greek and Turkish form_m9g.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση Διαβατηρίου – Ελληνικά και Τούρκικα)
- 2. Request for issuing biometric passports biometric_passport_form.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση Βιομετρικού Διαβατηρίου)
- 3. Application for inclusion on the passport children under 12 years aitisi_symberilipsi_teknou.pdf (Αίτηση για συμπερίληψη στο διαβατήριο τέκνα κάτω των 12 ετών)
- 4. Application for a passport - English aitisi_diavatiriou_english.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση διαβατηρίου - Αγγλικά)
- 5. Application for identification card - Greek and Turkish id_form.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση δελτίου ταυτότητας – Ελληνικά και Τούρκικα)
- 6. Application for birth certificate - Greek aitisi_pistopoiitiko_genniseos_el.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση πιστοποιητικού γεννήσεως – Ελληνικά)
- 7. Application for birth certificate - Turkish aitisi_pistopoiitiko_genniseos_tk.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση πιστοποιητικού γεννήσεως – Τούρκικα)
- 8. Application for issuance or replacement of identity displaced family entipoprosfigikis_taftotitas.pdf (Αίτηση για έκδοση ή αντικατάσταση ταυτότητας εκτοπισμένης οικογένειας)
Forms for foreigners
- 1. Application for registration of a minor person (M.123) form123.pdf (Αίτηση εγγραφής ανηλίκου προσώπου ( Μ.123))
- 2. Application to obtain Visas alien (M.58) form.58.pdf (Αίτηση για εξασφάλιση Θεώρησης Εισόδου αλλοδαπού ( Μ.58 ))
- 3. Request for authorization to take or change employment alien (M.64) form.m64.pdf (Αίτηση για άδεια ανάληψης ή αλλαγή εργασίας αλλοδαπού ( Μ.64 ))
- 4. Application for renewal of residence permit foreigner (M.61V) form.m61b.pdf (Αίτηση για ανανέωση της άδειας παραμονής αλλοδαπού ( Μ.61Β ))
- 5. Housemaid - Contract of Employment (Greek) housemaid_contract_of_employment_gr.pdf (Συμβόλαιο Εργασίας Οικιακών Βοηθών( Ελλ. ))
- 6. Housemaid - Contract of Employment ( Eng. ) housemaid_contract_of_employment_en.pdf
- 7. Form application for a license migration - Application for Immigration Permit (M.67) m67.pdf (Εντυπο αίτησης για εξασφάλιση άδειας μετανάστευσης - Application for Immigration Permit ( M.67 ))
Application for issue of residence card for non-eu citizens family members of union citizen
INSTRUCTIONS: How to Complete the Application
1. The application for the issue of RESIDENCE CARD is submitted by Family Members of a Union citizen who are not citizens of a Member-State, within four months from the date of entry into the Republic of Cyprus.
2. For the issue of RESIDENCE CARD the Non-EU citizen Family Members of a Union citizen must submit the following documents:
(a) Valid Passport.
(b) A document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
(c) Where appropriate, the Registration Certificate of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining.
(d) In the case of a spouse of a Union citizen and direct descendants under 21 or who are dependants of the citizen and those of the spouse, proof of existence of a family relation and that the said family members are dependants.
(e) In the case of any other family member of the Union citizen not falling under the definition in paragraph 2(d), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which render the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen absolutely necessary.
(f) Proof of the existence of a consistent relationship with the Union citizen.
(g) Two Passport-sized photographs.
3. The Residence Card shall be valid for five years from the date of the issue or for the envisaged period of residence of the Union citizen, if this period is less than five years.
4. The fees payable are £20,00 (€34,17).
5. Failure to comply with the registration requirement shall render the person concerned liable to a financial penalty up to £1.500,00 (€2.562,90).
You might be traveling to the Republic of Cyprus for different reasons whether it is for a short stay as a tourist or a businessperson or with a purpose of employment and residence. You could also stop in Cyprus as a transit passenger. In any way, there are cases when a visa of a certain kind is required.
Countries whose citizens are required to have an entry visa to Cyprus
Countries whose citizens are NOT required to have an entry visa to Cyprus
Citizens of the following countries are not required to have Cyprus visa for a stay of up to 90 days, provided they are bona fide visitors
Special categories of persons that are not required to have an entry visa to Cyprus
Persons of the following categories are not required to have a Cyprus visa:
- Holders of Diplomatic and Service passports of Armenia, China, Colombia, Iran, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Seychelles.
- Holders of Diplomatic, Service and Official passports of Cuba.
- Holders of Diplomatic, Service and Special passports of Egypt.
- All civilian air and sea crew.
- The flight crew and attendants on emergency or rescue flights and other helpers in the event of disaster or accident.
- The civilian crew of ships navigating in international waters.
- The holders of laissez-passer issued by the United Nations to their officials.
- School pupils having the nationality of one of the countries whose citizens are required a Cyprus visa and who reside in one of the countries whose citizens are not required a Cyprus visa, and are traveling in the context of a school excursion as members of a group of pupils accompanied by a teacher from the school in question.
- All persons who are in possession of work permit issued by the Civil Archive and Migration Officer.
- All persons who possess permanent or temporary residence permit issued by the Civil Archive and Migration Officer.
- All persons who possess study permit.
Categories of visas
Short-stay or travel visas, including multiple-entry visas.
If you are traveling to the Republic of Cyprus for reasons other than immigration, and your visit does not exceed three months, you might need a travel visa. The travel visa gives you the right for a continuous visit or several visits to Cyprus. The duration of visits in total should not exceed three months in any half of a year from the date of the first visit. In general the short-stay Cyprus visa is issued for one or several visits.
In case you need to come to Cyprus often (business trips etc.) it is possible to get a multiple-entry visa for several visits. The total duration of the visits should not exceed three months in any half of a year from the date of the first entry. The multiple-entry Cyprus visa is valid for one year. In exceptional cases it might be valid for more than a year but no more than five years for certain categories of persons.
How to get a short-stay Cyprus visa
Long-stay visas
If you are planning to stay in Cyprus for more than three months you will have to apply for a long-stay visa.
Cyprus Residence Visa Information
Cyprus Work Permit Information
Cyprus Work Permit Information for EU nationals
Cyprus Student Visa Information
Airport transit visa (ATV)
If you have to pass through the international transit area of Cypriot airports without actually entering the national territory of Cyprus during a stop-over or transfer between two stages of an international flight, you might need an Airport Transit Visa. The requirement to have this type of visa is an exception to the general rule to transit without a visa through Cyprus.
Countries whose citizens are required to have Cyprus visa for Airport Transit
Transit visas
If you are traveling from one country to another country and you have to pass through the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, to do so you might need a Transit Visa. This visa may be issued for one transit, or exceptionally for several transits. The duration of each transit case should not exceed five days. The transit visa is issued provided that the entry of the traveler into the territory of the destination country is guaranteed and that the route taken normally requires transit through Cyprus.
Group visas
This is a transit visa or a visa limited to a maximum of thirty days, which may be affixed to a group passport - except where national legislation provides otherwise - issued to a group of travelers formed prior to the decision to travel. The group visa is issued, provided that the members of the group enter the territory, stay there and leave it as a group.
Group visas may be issued to groups of between 5 and 50 people. The person in charge of the group should possess an individual passport and, where necessary, an individual visa.
Issue and renewal of temporary residence and employment permits for third country nationals who are employed by companies/enterprises of foreign interests
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